Onboarding Email 1

Subject: You've got ScoutIQ! What now?

Welcome aboard the ScoutIQ train! 🚂

Before you head out on your first sourcing adventure, there’s one important step you need to take. Let's get your ScoutIQ app connected to Amazon!

If you’ve already connected your Amazon account (overachiever, nice!), feel free to skip the rest of this email and we’ll see you tomorrow. (or you can check out tomorrow’s email today)

If you haven’t yet connected your account, all you need to do is login to your account at manager.threecolts.com, click "Products" on the menu at the left of the page, and then "Launch" ScoutIQ.Image

On the page that opens, click on the Amazon logo:


Then click the green "Click here to Reauthorize your Amazon Account" button:


This will open up a page for you to login to your Amazon Pro-Seller account:Image

Simply sign-in and we will pull the information we need into place!It will take no more than 3 minutes, and once you connect it, you’ll have personalized restriction information, allowing you to make more informed purchasing decisions.

Action Step Day 1: Connect your Amazon account to ScoutIQBonus step: Complete Amazon's Seller University if you haven't already! These are Amazon's resources for sellers at every stage!

We’ll be back in touch with you tomorrow to help you find your first products to resell on Amazon. Be on the lookout for that email!

-The ScoutIQ Team

Don’t want to wait? Check out tomorrow’s email today!

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