Onboarding Email 3: Subject: How much profit will this book make if I sell it?

Hello again!

It’s day 3 of your ScoutIQ adventure, we are so proud of you for making it this far!

Today we're going to cover the single most commonly asked question: "How do I know if I can make any money with this product?"

Anytime you scan a product, ScoutIQ will show you a “Green” signal or “Red” signal which will let you know if you’ll make money on this product.

Next, you’ll want to look at the eScore.

A book's eScore shows you how many days the product has sold in the past 180 days.

For example, if a book has sold 5 days in the past 180 days, it will have an eScore of 5.

If a book has sold 112 days out of the past 180 days, it will have an eScore of 112. To get a bit more technical, we do want to note that popular books may sell multiple times in a single day, but the eScore will only go up by 1. So a book that is selling thousands of copies a month will still have an eScore of 180, while a book selling only 1 copy a day will also have the same eScore– but either way, an eScore of 180, is great!

Why does this matter?

eScore shows you the historical demand for a book, so you know how fast it’s likely to sell once you list it on Amazon.

If the eScore is high, it’s likely to sell quickly.

If the eScore is low, it’s probably not likely to sell anytime soon.

eScore helps you avoid buying too many books that aren’t likely to sell, simple as that.

Action Step Day 3: Remember those "Accepts" you scanned yesterday? Spend some time analyzing their eScores, and read this article about our Analytics Tab & Accepted Scans!

Bonus step: Sign up for our Learn, Scan, Earn: ScoutIQ Basics Customer Coaching Class to learn in a small group setting with a ScoutIQ Expert. 

- The ScoutIQ Team

P.S. If you haven’t already, be sure to join our community of sellers on Facebook. There are over 34,000 members sharing what’s working right now to make money on Amazon.

On a roll? Check out tomorrow’s email right away!

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