Connecting your ScoutIQ app to your Amazon Pro-Seller Account

How to pair your Amazon Account:

You can get starting scanning on ScoutIQ right away, with or without an Amazon Professional Seller account, but to view personalized restriction information, you’ll need to pair your Amazon Pro-Seller account.

If you haven’t yet connected your account, all you need to do is login to your account at, click "Products" on the menu at the left of the page, and then "Launch" ScoutIQ.


On the page that opens, click on the Amazon logo:


Then click the green "Click here to Reauthorize your Amazon Account" button:


This will open up a page for you to login to your Amazon Pro-Seller account:


Simply sign-in and we will pull the information we need into place!

It will take no more than 3 minutes, and once you connect it, you’ll have personalized restriction information, allowing you to make more informed purchasing decisions.

Troubleshooting your Account

Why won't my credentials work? If your account is brand new or you recently upgraded to a Professional Seller's Account, Amazon may delay the approval of your credentials for a few hours (or even a day or two). Wait a few hours and then try to re-enter connect, and they should work. If they don't, reach out to our customer support team at for more assistance.

What if my restriction stop appearing all of the sudden?

Amazon will typically authorize your connection with a particular developer (i.e. ScoutIQ) for a period of 12 months. You're required to renew the connection periodically to ensure that we still have permission to do live lookups on your behalf. If your account stops working, it could be that your credentials need to be renewed. You can see your active credentials here:

Find ScoutIQ in the list, then click the "Renew" button and you'll be good to go for another year!

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