Glossary Of Terms

Amazon Seller An individual or business that lists and sells products on Amazon's marketplace.
ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number, a unique identifier for products listed on Amazon.
Break-even Point The point at which your total costs and revenue are equal, meaning you neither make a profit nor a loss.
Bulk Scanning The process of scanning multiple books quickly using an external scanner or barcoding device, typically used to save time when sourcing large quantities of books. For more information about pairing a Bluetooth scanner with ScoutIQ read this article
Buy Cost The price you pay to acquire the book. Read this article to learn more about ScoutIQ Buy Cost.
Buyback Company Also called wholesale company, buyback companies purchase books directly from sellers for cash, usually offering an immediate quote based on the book’s ISBN. In ScoutIQ you can view offers from Sell Back Your Book (SBYB) at the bottom of the second offers column. You can learn more about turning on Wholesale Integration under "Settings" on the app in this article.
eScore A ScoutIQ-specific metric that shows how often a book has sold in the past 180 days. A higher eScore means the book sells more frequently. This metric smooths out some of the volatility of the Sales Rank since it incorporates a historical perspective. For more details, refer to this article.
FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) A service provided by Amazon where sellers send their inventory to Amazon's warehouses, and Amazon handles storage, shipping, and customer service for the items.
ISBN International Standard Book Number, a 10 or 13-digit code that uniquely identifies a book. ISBNs are typically found on the back cover of a book with the barcode and on the publisher's page, which is typically one of the first few pages.
Merchant Fulfilled (MF) A fulfillment method where the seller is responsible for storing, packing, and shipping the item directly to the buyer.
Net Profit The total profit you make after all expenses, including buy cost, shipping, and fees, are deducted from the selling price.
New Buy Box The featured new offer on an Amazon product page, usually given to sellers with competitive pricing, fast shipping, and positive seller metrics. This is usually the lowest new FBA offer from a reputable seller. Check out these articles to see where this is found on the ScoutIQ Scout Screen.
Personalized Restriction Checks ScoutIQ can check personalized restrictions for books, alerting sellers if they are unable to list certain titles. For more information, check out this article.
Profit Margin The amount of money left after selling a book on Amazon, calculated by subtracting costs (such as purchase price, shipping fees, and Amazon fees) from the sale price.
Restricted Book A book that Amazon does not allow certain sellers to list or sell. Restrictions vary based on seller status and book condition. Learn more on Amazon’s Seller University here.
Sales Rank A number assigned by Amazon that indicates the popularity of a product. Lower numbers mean more frequent sales. Commonly used to evaluate the demand for a book. Tends to be somewhat volatile as compared to eScore. Check out these articles to see where this is found on the ScoutIQ Scout Screen and ScoutIQ Scout Lite Screen.
Scout Lite Screen A simplified interface in ScoutIQ that uses triggers to provide a basic “Accept” or “Reject” recommendation based on pre-set profit and rank criteria. For more information, check out this article.
ScoutIQ A mobile app designed for book resellers to scan books and evaluate their profitability on Amazon. It provides real-time data on prices, sales ranks, and potential profit margins.
Seats In ScoutIQ, a "seat" represents a device or account that can access the app. Once a Seat has been added, you will be charged.  Before a Seat can be used, a User must be added. More details are available here.
Sourcing (Also called scouting) The act of finding books (or other items) for resale. This can be done at yard sales, thrift stores, library sales, or online marketplaces.
Standard Scout Screen The main interface in ScoutIQ provides real-time data including eScore, Sales Rank, and profit calculations, and recommends whether users should "Accept" or "Reject" a book based on their Triggers. More details can be found here.
Target Price Also called List Price, this is the price you aim to sell an item for on Amazon. This price is highlighted in orange on the scout screen and is selected automatically by the app, based on your Triggers. For more information about Target Price check out this article
Trigger A set of predefined criteria in ScoutIQ that determines whether a book should be accepted or rejected based on factors like Profit Margin, Sales Rank, and eScore. For more information on how triggers work, visit this link.
Trigger Set A customizable group of multiple Triggers in ScoutIQ, designed to help sellers define buying criteria for different book conditions or selling platforms. More detailed information can be found here.
User Users in ScoutIQ refer to our customers, but in reference to adding a team member or secondary user, "users" refer to individuals assigned to Seats, allowing multiple users to operate under one account with different devices. More details are available here.
Used Buy Box The featured used offer on an Amazon product page, usually given to sellers with competitive pricing, fast shipping, and positive seller metrics. This is usually the lowest used FBA offer from a reputable seller and is usually the lowest Prime offer. Check out these articles to see where this is found on the ScoutIQ Scout Screen and ScoutIQ Scout Lite Screen.

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